Business Team Development


As the title suggests, it is all about developing a business team into a consistently high
performing group, delivery positive results for an organisation.

The term team is used every day, in every business and generally with vastly different
meanings to those using the term. We are all members of at least one team in one form or
another and we are possibly members of other teams, without being aware of it.
In terms of business growth, there is nothing better than being part of a high performing
team – it’s what has you jumping out of bed in the morning racing towards the start of
your day. It is a powerful motivator. On the other hand, there is nothing worse than being
involved in a fractured poor performing team. No jumping out of bed her, unless it is for
another job interview.

A team is by it’s nature, a living, breathing organism that needs constant evolution
(development) to survive and thrive. It is in this area where the real challenge exists.


Initially, it is about meeting with the Team Leader, whether that be Supervisor, Manager,
General Manager, CEO, to clarify what the expectation is of the team by the organisation
and what is showing them that the requirement is not being met.

From there, it is about identifying the gaps. This will require one on one meetings with
each individual of the team and then collectively with the team. Within business, it is quite
often that the message from the Board to Senior Management Team to State and Regional
Teams is often diluted which causes the objective to be confusing and not clear.

Some of the obvious gaps that I refer to include:

  • A lack of clarity of purpose throughout the team;
  • Misunderstanding by individual team member of what their role is within the team;
  • A lack of “buy in” by some members of the team. “I wasn’t asked if I wanted to be
    part of the team, I was just placed here”;
  • Clear measurement was not established at the beginning of the cycle which leadsto a lack of accountability;
  • A lack of genuine connection within the team which often leads to a lack of trust and respect;
  • A failure to communicate what they are doing to the broader organisation. If other people within the organisation fail to receive updates on progress, then the assumption is often that nothing is happening; and
  • Poor leadership of the team.

Once the gap identification process has been completed, a report is compiled and
submitted to the Team Leader for review and discussion. The report will include what was
found and the process recommended for corrective action.


There is an old saying that it is hard to remember that your primary objective was to clean
the pool, when you are up to your armpits in crocodiles. Likewise, it is often hard to
provide the appropriate level of attention to an individual team, when you are focussed on
so many other aspects of your business.
Additionally, working with an external provider brings a different set of eyes, a different
perspective and different experiences and skill sets. At different stages of a business’ life
cycle, you need to be prepared to have your thinking challenged. This is what you can
expect when engaging Arditi.

For most of my working life I have worked with many teams – both in business and sport.
Whether it be establishing, developing, or changing teams, I have always found that the
common principles remain the same:

  • Make sure that you clarify the objective;
  • Ensure you have team buy in;
  • Provide clear measurement;
  • Provide the team the required resource, facility and training; and then,
  • Hold people accountable.