Business Transitioning & Planning

What is it?

Business transitioning can be a very scary proposition for organisations, as it involves a change in thinking in the first instance. This is particularly true for SME’s who don’t have the depth and experience of business managers within their team, unlike large organisations. So, there is always a sense for the business owner of being out there on their own. Business transitioning comes in many forms, with some including:

  • Review and subsequent change to client/market mix/profile;
  • Change to service or products supplied;
  • Workforce structural change;
  • Addition/Reduction of operational, or retail facilities; and
  • Significant changes to the business infrastructure.

Fundamentally, Business Transitioning is about moving your business to a new operational environment that will provide the organisation with consistently better outcomes than their current position.

Why Arditi?

Craig Batchelor started his other business, Edge Personnel, all the way back in October 2000. Over the years, Edge Personnel experienced multiple changes:

  • Fast growth – sales and infrastructure;
  • Sales decline;
  • Changes to Directors – a high of 3 to 1;
  • One office to two offices, back to one;
  • Acquiring an additional business and merging it into a single entity; and
  • Dealing with an increased changing environment thanks to the multiple impacts of Covid.

2016 – 2018 were pivotal years for Edge Personnel as Craig led his team from a business reliant on a few large clients (margin pressure, high infrastructure costs), operating in pretty much the same industry sector, to a business that had many more clients (SME in nature), operating across 6 different industry segments, with more predictable outcomes. In December 2017, the business moved fully to a cloud-based platform to better match a dynamic and agile business environment, which proved to be critical for the business when Covid hit.

As a result of the successful transition, the beginning of calendar year 2021 saw two other larger agencies approach Craig as potential purchasers of the business. Ultimately, Craig chose to sell the business to one of the suitors, which took effect on 1 July 2022.

It is vitally important to deal with someone who understands the emotional challenge of working through a business transition. Craig can certainly demonstrate his understanding through the different paths his business has travelled.


The first step is a face-to-face meeting to discuss your business and what you are hoping to achieve. This is very much a “fact finding” process and an opportunity for you to determine your level of comfort in our working relationship. This initial meeting is at no charge to you – your only expense at this point is your time allocated for the meeting.

After the meeting Craig will forward you a scope of the project/business transition plan and the role in working with you; an expected schedule for actions and outcomes and confirmation of our fee.

If you are happy to proceed, then it is all about delivering on the presented business transition plan. You will find that we adopt as our basic business principle, a team-based approach, with a consistent level of communication throughout the project.